Water Babies

The world's leading baby swimming school

Water Babies is the world's largest baby swimming school, with classes across the UK (and beyond) to help little ones learn a skill for life. With the best trained baby swimming teachers in the world, Water Babies lessons will teach little ones from new-born to 5 years old (our youngest water baby was just one day old!) the lifesaving skill of learning how to swim - taking each child on a journey of aquatic discovery, adventure and purposeful play to learn water safety, core aquatic skills, and swimming strokes.

There are endless benefits of baby swimming lessons, from learning key water safety skills to supporting little ones eating and sleeping patterns, as baby swimming supports little ones physical, emotional and psychological development as they grow. 

Water Babies is aimed at families of all shapes, sizes and blends who want to give the children in their lives the best start in life. Every lesson advocates holistic learning through creating water quests and adventures tailored to every stage, prioritising child personal development, and nurturing every little mind, body and soul through swimming.