
Gift Delivery Service

Hand-picked gifts from cool independent brands and planet-friendly gifts that give back to good causes. BoxTree gifts are beautifully packaged and delivered with your personal message, hand-written as if you did it yourself.  We deliver gifts all over the world, helping people send presents to friends and family - especially important just now when we can't always be with the ones we love.

All our gifts give something back but they're also pretty cool to look at!  We love discovering new brands that you may not have seen before, and sharing them through our website.  Our customers love to choose their own gifts and 'build a box' that is personalised to their recipient.  Or if you're in a hurry you can pick from one of our 'ready-made' boxes.

Covering every occasion from birthdays to new babies to 'just because'.  Our most popular collections are pamper gifts and sweet treats.  Prices start from just £12 - including express delivery to any UK destination!  

We're hugely proud of our five-star customer service rating.